<:--begin.post--> <:END.post--> : Friend International: Professional Swindler & The Working Ghosts

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Professional Swindler & The Working Ghosts

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Professional Swindler

Hundreds of pipes, each 20 metre long
with 300 mm dia were shipped in
Only about 45% of them are with the warranty certificates
The others were corroded pipes from contractors
who dealt with used pipes
These pipes cannot come with warranty certificates
The cunning project engineer who was the mastermind
worked out a smart plan
He deliberately shouted in the big common office
where they were about 60 other engineers,
managers and technicians
that he saw the original certificates
on Mr. So & So’s table
The truth was if this fraud
was ever discovered and the matter handed
over to the industrial crime department
he would be a free man
for he could tell the judge
he was the one who first raised the matter
You see, how a thief could plan such a frame
If the dishonest deal was successful
he would be able to buy a condo in India or China
He told the used pipes suppliers to
have the pipes galvanized
before they are shipped to the construction site
The truth was even painting couldn’t seal up
the pitted portions
It was a kid’s idea
Just like you want to seal up
the holes on your face with cream
As expected the plan went well
for some reason
Every thing was as planned
Every one was laughing his way to the bank
Used pipes passed off as perfect ones
Don’t you want to know how?


NOTE: This incident happened in a certain country which is best not mentioned.
Won't you tell me what you have seen so far in your career ?

Copyright(C) 2004 by Poh Tiong Ho

The Working Ghosts

The French bastards had their rig built
in the U.S.
They paid USD over 400 millions
They never said it was expensive
Now they build it
in Asia for only USD 340 millions
And they complain every day that
it is cheaper to have the rig built
in the U.S.A.
The above was the comment from the
Asian local manager.


The truth was
there were working ghosts
on board the rig.
Each worker on board has a brass left on the entrance
to the rig
But there were more brasses than workers !
The poor French paid for the workers who did not
turn up to work!

For some reason,
the client kept quiet for some time
A day came when the client could not
tolerate it any more
Each day two officers were stationed
at the entrance and exit point
The contractors were paid for only
the number of workers who came in to work

This hurt the swindler intensely
He could not stand it any more
He blamed the China-men
For stealing the expensive valves,
the cheap piping gaskets, the bolts and nuts
and so on.
Many China-men were removed from the rig
His own brothers were recruited
This time there was no more China-men
to be the scapegoats
The truth was revealed
The big brother had to leave

So my friends
Beware, your enemies
may come from the most unexpected corner
Among your own brothers!

You may move to
the next company and continue your
fantastic tricks
But how many times can you move ?
How long can you cheat ?
Isn’t honesty still
the best policy ?

Envy and rancor are destroying you every day
Coupled with greed,
the money you cheat
won’t be enough to buy the medicines
you shall need !

( END )

Please also visit http://pohtiongho.com

Copyright(C) 2004 by Poh Tiong Ho

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