<:--begin.post--> <:END.post--> : Friend International: May 2005

Tuesday, May 31, 2005


RUN, Sweet Heart, RUN

Run, Sweetheart, Run.

" Come Judy, we'll dance again," Nick Tua Pau Chia invited her.
Judy smiled at him, stood up and walked into the floor. The hot music went on. There were at least fifty couples on the huge floor of that recreation club. All the men held their ladies so tightly in their arms it could hardly be considered moderate. Nick, like all the others, paid $300.00 for his dance ticket, which included nothing more
than a free partner. The organizer was Joe Ching, a baldheaded man with bulging cheeks and exceptionally big belly. He stepped on the platform near the band to offer his warm welcome.
"Ladies and Gentlemen," he went on with the speech which he had practised in front of his dressing table mirror.
" I hope you will regard this dance floor as your own. Enjoy yourself until you're fully satisfied."
Around the club house, couples were strolling along the cool and beautiful beach which was enriched by the yellowish moonlight. Gradually the couples disappeared to where no one knew. But after about two hours they would surely be back to the club house again. All the free partners were actually prostitutes who had been recruited from the Philippines. They all came in under the status of tourists and their trusted salesman was Joe.
Judy was a SPM girl who was still waiting for her results. Being fresh from school she was naive and unaware of all those unseen traps. She accepted Joe's invitation with thanks. A big, tall and brave looking ex-infantry man was introduced to her that night. She thought that was a big catch.
After half an hour spent on the dance floor, Joe brought in a cup of drink for Judy and a beer for Nick.
"Good luck, Nick," Joe whispered softly in Nick's ear and patted him on the shoulder, showing his set of golden
" Let's go for a walk on the shore," Nick Toa Pau Chia persuaded.
" That would be lovely."
They came downstairs, strolled through the turf and were down on the seashore.
"We're getting near doomsday," Judy said.
" What made you say so?"
"Look at the couple there!"
" Why? They're only having sex. That's what we want, not the dull routine of going to office and home every day."
Nick carefully watched the contorting couple in the field under the venerable aru trees. The breezes made them shivered a little. He suggested that they should walk inland. They strolled along a path with branches pressing down from the top. The feathery creepers dangled over their heads, with dead branches here and there. Nick grasped Judy's hand and plodded on. They came to a patch of short grass with trees around it so that the branches
formed a roof. Nick was wondering how to handle this charming young lady who was at his mercy. The drug had been absorbed into her blood stream slowly. No ladies were immune to it.
" Judy darling, I know what you want now. There is no need to fight it. You're torturing yourself," Nick looked into her eyes and pressed his dirty and smelly mouth on her lips.
" Love is what you need. I know what you want and I'm going to give it to you now."
Nick unfastened her zip in front of her breast and pulled her blouse over her head. He slipped down her underwear which was already wet on one part. Nick pressed her hard on the ground and clambered on her. The single unit remained wriggling and rolling for some time. Joe planned the plot extremely well.
The moon was high on the sky. Judy lay on the grass watching the full moon, wondering why this time she did not refuse like she used to before. How many innocent girls have been deceived in this manner ?
The next morning was Sunday. Joe rang up Nick to enquire how Judy was.
" Hello Nick, I hope Judy entertain you well last night ?"
" It was great, old man. She was perfect. A new one you know. Thanks a lot. I'm going to pass her tonight at the Queen's Hotel for my boss."
Since Nick had nothing that he could possibly used honestly to advance his career, he had to use women to win the pleasure of his boss who was an orang puteh. He could not bring this girl to the house of the boss because the wife of the boss would not forgive him. He checked into the hotel with Judy and left her with the boss until the
next day. The next thing we heard was that Nick was promoted to be the engineer.
Joe started his part-time career recently but this new career earned him more money than his salaried post. Young girls who were promised jobs swamped to see him every day. All the promise they received was a slim chance of
a vacancy which never really existed. Those ads served to bring beauties into the office for selection for other purposes.
" Right, Chaulee, you come to see me next Friday. I may be able to help," Joe said consolingly.
All the other girls have been told the same story. Some had been offered so-called jobs in hotels and restaurants, all over Malaysia. These innocent girls had all been forced to offer their bodies. All of them were tied down to
the oldest profession until there were no longer needed when by then they would be too ashamed to return to their parents or boy friends.

Chaulee took an air ticket from Joe for Kota Kinabalu. She was put up at a hotel on the presumption that she would be going to her office with the next few days. She spent the next five most terrifying days of her life there.
Joe offered her a drink which had been drugged, had sex with her and forced her to receive customers the same night.
"Oh, you dog, you bastard. I can't do that," Chaulee slapped his thick face.
" You take it or leave it. If I were you I would not refuse it, " Joe said calmly, and continued, " What's the difference? You have lost your virginity, anyway. Think of the rewards. You will be able to buy a BMW, a big house and with at least 50000 green bucks in the bank within the next two years. You can then find a husband and settle down for good. If you go back now, David would not want you. I told him and his parents yesterday before I left JB. They are very old fashion and very superstitious, you know. They cannot accept you. It's a taboo."
Tears rolled down from Chaulee's eyes. She flunged a glass on Joe's face, leaving a four inch cut on the forehead.
The casualty went secretly for treatment at a private clinic and seemed not interested to avenge the matter. That night, there was a queue of people waiting for her at the corridor of the Grand Hotel. One customer after another came into her room each having roughly ten minutes privacy and was commanded to leave by Joe. Poor creature. She must have been forced at least forty times. Joe took all the money.
Rumours spread through out JB that Chaulee was in hot water in Kota KInabalu. David came over and found there was no such company as Pen state Enterprise. He slogged for two days and found her in a hotel. Joe did not appear in Kota Kinabalu that day. His racket must have been perfectly organized.
This pimp's business began to deteriorate only when he launched his campaign for big fish. Senior school girls from Kota Kinabalu were recruited. This illiterate shocker, with no academic qualification to brag about , scorned at people with higher education. He told a group of his young recruits " I've received no education and yet I own
a huge house, with a swimming pool and four sports cars. What's education? We're here to enjoy life. And all one needs in order to enjoy is money. Money does wonders!"
Those poor girls gazed at one another wondering if they should believe him.
Our limited words cannot express the pain David was suffering. Handsome though he was, he could be very cruel when emotion ruled his head. He was hunting hard for this thug who was known as an insurance agent in one town and an engineer in another.
One elegant house that was as good as a palace was located at Woodlands, near the beach. Its owner was on holiday overseas. Joe rented it to turn it into his money churning headquarters. Another grand party was held there. This time each male contributor must pay $500.00. I must confess in this gathering the atmosphere was more horrible than before. A small bedroom with an area of 100 square feet was used by ten couples at the same time. It was a matter of what I do, you do. The most exciting blue films from Europe and Japan were shown throughout the
night. One would surely go mad unless one paid the $500.00. That night Joe had to face a most unpleasant client.
" $500.00 is a big sum. Where is my bird?" James Sadang got impatient and was on the verge of showing his temper.

" No fear, James, very soon. A young one from Batam, specially reserved for you," Joe did his best to be
" If she doesn't turn up within half an hour, I'll string you up on that penaga tree out there, or to the police you
will go. Don't you know that my brother is the local police inspector here? You showed me this photo. Now
where is the bird?"
"Tick, tick, tick," the grandfather clock on the concrete wall went on mercilessly and pointed at 9. James Sadang who suffered the pangs of physical desires could wait no longer. There are three things that one will never have enough:
wine, sex and sleep. James took Joe's bedroom key and dragged the difficult Mrs. Joe into the room and locked it from inside. Only a few couples were left on the dance floor. The leftovers were the not too young birds, some of whom had already performed their duty. They hang around the compound hoping to find extra income. They picked up nothing and sign of weariness could be seen as they yawned impatiently. The house was already filled
with fleshy smell. Joe who was squad like a toad sat in an armchair with the pride of success on his face. This chair was too big for him. Don't we love big things like large cars, and huge houses? What about the padded shoulders we put on our overcoats?
The proud roosters flapped their wings and crowed : kerkeker. Morning came and all customers were gone except James. He unlocked the door, with a bottle of Black Label in his left hand and murmured: " Sorry to keep you waiting the whole night. You see, Joe, I'm the strongest of all. I can take concentrated liquor direct from the bottle. I haven't visited our company doctor for the past 5 years."
He walked out of the house, into the street, and got wedged in the crowds and was never seen in this town again because he actually dropped dead few hours later and the doctor confirmed James Sadang had liver cancer. His colleagues confirmed he needed the liquor to go to sleep every night because of indignation, rage, frustration, fear, tension, uncertainty and blame.
On the same morning, David met the long awaited Joe on Signal Hill. Joe was visiting a new client on the hill. As David came out of a friend's house he saw Joe's red proton Saga. He rushed behind a flower bush and waited. As the car came to a halt, Joe adjusted his tie to make sure it was at the right place so that he could look dignified.
He slammed the car door and walked in with the most businesslike manner. Sarah came out to meet him.
"Well, what are you doing tonight? Joe enquired. " I have some VIPs from Sarawak and Japan to entertain. I prefer you to many other girls because you are most beautiful and social.."
" I cannot go because David said he would come to see me tonight."
" Who is he? A VIP?," Joe pretended to ask thinking that he could denigrate David with the questions.
Joe's face turned pale when he heard David was from Singapore. He felt a cold shiver running down his spinal cord. This David was no other than the David he could never face openly. When he thought of David, he associated it with brutal force. The Chinese say : enemies always meet at narrow street.
David was hiding under a window, behind the house, hoping to hear more of the conversation.This shocker, Joe, pulled himself together and murmured :" That jobless David? What is he doing in Sabah? He is not even a Malaysian. Please invite him to come along. His company would be most appreciated."
" What do you mean?"
" He could help send the girls home after the party and I can assure you he is no better than that. Everybody knows that.
Joe thought by bringing in the alleged support of others he could fortify his accusation which was otherwise groundless. He wanted the public to fear and respect him.
The rejected gentleman left. Someone was interfering with his job. He had to get rid of him. Joe was a person who would do anything to get his way.
On the same night, David took Sarah for a stroll on the seafront. As they approached a giant-sized aru tree, he stopped facing the sea. At that moment, a dark figure pointed a shinning knife and ordered :" move, the two of
you or I'll send you both to hell."
" What do you......" David swung round his right heel and it landed on the right ear of the potential killer sending him rolling on the white sand.
The drizzle began. It was possible that a lashing downpour would follow. Only a few meters away, Joe appeared, pointing a pistol at David.
" Dog, you move or I'll pump some leads into you," a fiendish malice showed on Joe's face.
" Sorry to hurt your man Joe. That gun will attract attention. If I die, you die too. Why risk your life? You're rich now. Call it quit and I'll make sure nobody brings this matter further. You enjoy inflicting damage on others so that you feel you are powerful. You are one who avoids responsibility for his plight and blame others for his misery."
" Dirty swine. You think you're clever," Joe asked as if he wanted to devour the enemy on the spot.
"I'm not clever. But at least I don't need stupefying drug and intoxicants to keep me going," David retorted.
Joe dashed forward to strike the enemy with the pistol. David blocked the opponent's right arm. his left hand went for the neck. The pistol drop during the struggle. The dying man plodded his way along the sandy shore only to drop dead a few seconds later. Two days later, newspapers reported that two men were killed on a beach and the motive of the murder was unknown.
However, a group of ten labourers came in to give statement that they saw David hitting Joe from the back with a timber on the right ear of Joe. David, and Chaulee were arrested at Jurong East and sent to Malaysia to face the death sentence. When the x-ray came out, the fatal cracks on Joe's head were found on the left side. There was no sign that Joe's right ear was hit by a piece of timber.


Copyright (C) 2003 Poh Tiong Ho

SPM is the equivalent of a High School Diploma in some countries.

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Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Professional Swindler & The Working Ghosts

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Professional Swindler

Hundreds of pipes, each 20 metre long
with 300 mm dia were shipped in
Only about 45% of them are with the warranty certificates
The others were corroded pipes from contractors
who dealt with used pipes
These pipes cannot come with warranty certificates
The cunning project engineer who was the mastermind
worked out a smart plan
He deliberately shouted in the big common office
where they were about 60 other engineers,
managers and technicians
that he saw the original certificates
on Mr. So & So’s table
The truth was if this fraud
was ever discovered and the matter handed
over to the industrial crime department
he would be a free man
for he could tell the judge
he was the one who first raised the matter
You see, how a thief could plan such a frame
If the dishonest deal was successful
he would be able to buy a condo in India or China
He told the used pipes suppliers to
have the pipes galvanized
before they are shipped to the construction site
The truth was even painting couldn’t seal up
the pitted portions
It was a kid’s idea
Just like you want to seal up
the holes on your face with cream
As expected the plan went well
for some reason
Every thing was as planned
Every one was laughing his way to the bank
Used pipes passed off as perfect ones
Don’t you want to know how?


NOTE: This incident happened in a certain country which is best not mentioned.
Won't you tell me what you have seen so far in your career ?

Copyright(C) 2004 by Poh Tiong Ho

The Working Ghosts

The French bastards had their rig built
in the U.S.
They paid USD over 400 millions
They never said it was expensive
Now they build it
in Asia for only USD 340 millions
And they complain every day that
it is cheaper to have the rig built
in the U.S.A.
The above was the comment from the
Asian local manager.


The truth was
there were working ghosts
on board the rig.
Each worker on board has a brass left on the entrance
to the rig
But there were more brasses than workers !
The poor French paid for the workers who did not
turn up to work!

For some reason,
the client kept quiet for some time
A day came when the client could not
tolerate it any more
Each day two officers were stationed
at the entrance and exit point
The contractors were paid for only
the number of workers who came in to work

This hurt the swindler intensely
He could not stand it any more
He blamed the China-men
For stealing the expensive valves,
the cheap piping gaskets, the bolts and nuts
and so on.
Many China-men were removed from the rig
His own brothers were recruited
This time there was no more China-men
to be the scapegoats
The truth was revealed
The big brother had to leave

So my friends
Beware, your enemies
may come from the most unexpected corner
Among your own brothers!

You may move to
the next company and continue your
fantastic tricks
But how many times can you move ?
How long can you cheat ?
Isn’t honesty still
the best policy ?

Envy and rancor are destroying you every day
Coupled with greed,
the money you cheat
won’t be enough to buy the medicines
you shall need !

( END )

Please also visit http://pohtiongho.com

Copyright(C) 2004 by Poh Tiong Ho

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